2023-2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for Cox's Creek Elementary School
Reading: 28% Proficient, 15% Distinguished
Mathematics: 29% Proficient, 6% Distinguished
Hello Bulldog Families!
In an effort to keep our students as safe as possible while accommodating a large number of car-riding students, we will be changing the traffic pattern for morning arrival, and for afternoon pickup in the grey loop (nearest the gym) only.
*Please read this message carefully.
*The traffic change will begin Monday, October 21.
*The morning arrival traffic pattern, and grey loop (nearest gym) afternoon pattern will change.
*Blue loop (large loop) afternoon pickup will remain the same.
*Times for arrival and pickup will not change.
*CCES will have extra staff on duty the first few days to direct traffic.
*Parents visiting the building will continue to park in the parking lot.
*For safety, parents who drop off/pick up middle and high school students to catch a bus at CCES MUST park in a parking spot in the top lot. Students MUST remain in their cars until 7:30 am, and then cross at the designated crosswalk.
Childcare Hours:
6:00 AM - 7:30 AM
3:15 PM - 5:30 PM
Contact our Childcare Start Strong Lead
Mrs. Ann Driskell